
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS

Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS
Build single-page web applications using the power of
  • Author: Pawel Kozlowski and Bacon Darwin
  • Language: English
  • Published: 2013
  • Page: 372
  • Size: 2.5 MB
  • Format: pdf


Chapter 1: Angular Zen 7
Meet AngularJS 8
AngularJS crash course 10
AngularJS and the rest of the world 38
Summary 41

Chapter 2: Building and Testing 43
Introducing the sample application 44
Build system 48
Organizing files and folders 52
AngularJS modules and files 57
Automated testing 62
Summary 74

Chapter 3: Communicating with a Back-end Server 75
Making XHR and JSONP requests with $http 75
The promise API with $q 84
The promise API with $http 94
Communicating with RESTful endpoints 95
Using advanced features of $http 104
Testing code that interacts with $http 106
Summary 108

Chapter 4: Displaying and Formatting Data 109
Referencing directives 109
Displaying results of expression evaluation 110
Conditional display 112
Rendering collections with the ngRepeat directive 114
DOM event handlers 120
Working effectively with DOM-based templates 121
Handling model transformations with filters 124
Summary 138

Chapter 5: Creating Advanced Forms 139
Comparing traditional forms with AngularJS forms 139
Creating a User Information Form 142
Understanding the input directives 143
Looking inside ngModel data binding 151
Validating AngularJS forms 153
Nesting forms in other forms 157
Repeating subforms 158
Handling traditional HTML form submission 161
Resetting the User Info form 162
Summary 164

Chapter 6: Organizing Navigation 165
URLs in single-page web applications 166
Using the $location service 168
Using built-in AngularJS routing services 175
Limitations of the $route service 182
Routing-specific patterns, tips, and tricks 185
Summary 189

Chapter 7: Securing Your Application 191
Providing server-side authentication and authorization 192
Securing partial templates 193
Stopping malicious attacks 194
Adding client-side security support 198
Supporting authentication and authorization on the client 203
Preventing navigation to secure routes 208

Summary 212

Chapter 8: Building Your Own Directives 213
What are AngularJS directives? 214
Following the directive compilation life-cycle 215
Writing unit tests for directives 217
Defining a directive 218
Styling buttons with directives 219
Understanding AngularJS widget directives 222
Creating a custom validation directive 230
Creating an asynchronous model validator 235
Wrapping the jQueryUI datepicker directive 239
Summary 243

Chapter 9: Building Advanced Directives 245
Using transclusion 245
Creating and working with transclusion functions 250
Understanding directive controllers 256
Taking control of the compilation process 265
Summary 271

Chapter 10: Building AngularJS Web Applications for an International Audience 273
Using locale-specific symbols and settings 274
Handling translations 276
Handling translated strings used in the JavaScript code 280
Patterns, tips, and tricks 282
Summary 287

Chapter 11: Writing Robust AngularJS Web Applications 289
Understanding the inner workings of AngularJS 290
Performance tuning – set expectations, measure, tune, and repeat 301
Performance tuning of AngularJS applications 303
Summary 315

Chapter 12: Packaging and Deploying AngularJS Web Applications 317
Improving network-related performance 318
Optimizing the landing page 327
AngularJS and Asynchronous Module Definition 331
Summary 334

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